Ministry Site of Ted Lowe
This ministry site also allows for clients to view the layout on their mobile device. We used SEO strategies to make the site readable by google analytic. In addition, we implemented premium plugins for the client to be able to update any information without the use of a third party developer. This was one of the recommendations by the client. The site includes contact forms and responsive graphics. TV embedded videos, pop up advertisements, eCommerce and database for parenting resources.
TDigital Solutions provided them with a brand new custom website design. We built the site using the WordPress Content Management System and we also used responsive design in order to make the site work on all mobile devices.
Ted Lowe is the director of MarriedPeople, the Marriage Division of Orange. His mission is to help churches help marriages. He loves training and resourcing churches to create proactive marriage ministries (instead of waiting until couples are banging on the door on the verge of divorce. It just seems smarter that way.). Through MarriedPeople churches all over the country are putting a strategy into place that gives couples less content more often. It’s great stuff. Check it out.
- Availability—Are the dates currently open?
- Audience—Can I make a contribution to your group’s audience?
- Honorarium—What is the compensation for the time away from my family?
If you have specific details about your event, dates, and budget and would like to submit a speaking request, please fill out the form below. Someone from our team will respond as soon as possible. Thanks!
“If we want to have healthy, thriving children then we first need to encourage and empower the marriages of their parents. Ted Lowe passionately believes in making sure married couples have the tools needed to support them. Along with developing small group studies and date nights for two, Ted is at his best as an engaging and funny speaker in large group environments.”
Jana Guynn, MarriedLife Ministries, North Point Community Church, Atlanta, GA
Visit this site at: TEDLOWE.COM
Champion of the Barrio
What we did
Web Design
Responsive Design
Logo Design