Is it time to update your logo?
We live in a culture of constant updates. Apple has done a great job of convincing the public through trendy commercials that your Iphone is obsolete every year. Business do the same for their branding. Not to the extreme of technology trends, but many fortune 500 companies update their logos. Look at Yahoo for example. Their older purple versionhas now been replaced by the modern
version. We often here from our clients the same 3 questions: Why should I update my logo? When should I update it? How should I update my brand? I’ll try to answer these questions below.
1: Why are you making me change my logo? I love my old logo!
Logos are the first impression for your business. They should reflect in color and scheme the subjective values of your company. If your organization is modern, flexible and hip, then your logo should reflect that. If you are a law firm that is formal, ethical and traditional your logo should not reflect the opposite. It is obvious that a single image does not explain all the values of your company, but at the very least your logo should give your audience a taste of your business culture.
In addition to reflecting your culture, a new brand gives your audience a sense of trust. It can legitimize your business and give you a sense that you are an established institution. A bad logo, in contrast, can make your potential clients doubt your business. I’ve seen bad logos from construction companies and wondered if they were legit or a scam.
2: When is it time to change logos?
If people look at your logo and hear 80’s music, then its time to update it. Generally, a good rule of thumb is updating your brand every 5 years. When people see logos that are old and out of date, they perceive an organization that may not be implementing modern best practices. Make sure that when its time to change or update your brand, that you do it with sensitivity and thought. Updating the color scheme of your image could change quite of bit marketing. Flyers, bulletins, signs may have to be changed. Take this into account when you are freshening up your brand.
3: How to update your logo
Hiring a professional is must. Just like a bad photographer that doesn’t use good light techniques or frames with bad angles, a bad designer can give you something that does not fit your overall image. Simplicity is always better than complicated images. Resist the temptation to over think your logo. A good modern font with good modern color schemes may be all you need. Think about Target of MTV, they are simple and deliver the message.
You may not need a whole new brand, but simply a refresh image. Look at how Starbucks constantly refreshes their look, but it keeps to the same theme.
The point is to simply breathe new life into the logo. Make it look like it exists “in the now”.
Reach out To Us
If you are looking for someone to partner with on redoing or creating your site, give me a shout. I would love to chat with you and see how we can help you develop a unique and creative site. Check out our recent projects, we follow great design techniques!
Stay curious.